Spot Bar retail outlet

Earn money with Olusheno solar home systems, even if you are not a teacher, you could let the kids of the neighborhood study under your bright Olusheno lights in the evening and make extra income.

Moses Tangeni Moses

Earn money with Olusheno solar home systems, even if you are not a teacher, you could let the kids of the neighborhood study under your bright Olusheno lights in the evening and make extra income.

Good news to the northern people as Olusheno introduce it’s newly branded outlets “Spot Bar retail outlet ” within ten kilometers from Omuthiya to Ondangwa in Oshifukwa Village just next to the B1 road!

Services rendered by Spot Bar retail outlet are as follows:

* Groceries (Every day basic needs).

*Soft drink at your comfort

*Purchasing of Olusheno products.

*Olusheno based product inquiry

For more information or direction, kindly please contact cellphone number +264813301948/ +264812899222 or the Olusheno call center team on the toll free number: 0819970000/ 0811445900/0811694729

💡💡Olusheno creating extra income💡💡

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